Who is Tvshooter? Tvshooter is a mysterious society of television directors of photography that use their superpowers to protect the world from evil. At least we’d like to think that we do. Actually we are just one guy… Richard Campbell. And he has a sense of (sometimes good, sometimes bad) humor.
Richard… that’s me (no speaking in third person from now on, I promise)… has been shooting since 1988. Honestly, I got into TV by accident, meeting a guy doing a commercial for a music store I worked in. He shot a video of my band, and we became good friends, he offered me a job and history was… well, unimpressed. However, being behind the camera was a lot of fun, and I found that carrying a camera was almost as impressive as playing bass in an 80’s cover band (well at the time it WAS the 80’s so everything was an 80’s song!).
After working for awhile for my friend, I took a job shooting the local news. Then another job, all in the Pensacola/Mobile area. In 1994, I moved to what is now my home, Atlanta, GA, and began working for the NBC station there as they geared up for the 1996 Olympic Games. Working in Atlanta gave me the opportunity to be involved in a few big, national – and with the Games, international – stories, including the Olympic Park bombing.
After the games, I was offered a chance at working with a show traveling the country for NASCAR, and spent a year on the road doing a one-hour weekly magazine show. Atlanta, however, seemed the best fit for me, and with computer editing starting to take over, I accepted a job with CNN as an editor, while freelance shooting as much as possible. Hey, computers were expensive in 1998.
In the beginning of 2001, AOL bought Time Warner, and with it, CNN. After the merger (now considered one of the worst ideas of all-time), the time was right to make the move to freelance shooting. Armed with the knowledge that I only got to eat if I worked, I set out into the harsh, cruel world of being an entrepreneur. With only my cat as a helper (she worked cheap), I started slowly building Tvshooter Video.
Over the years, I’ve strived to learn more about shooting, lighting, audio and the things needed to do the job right. Because most of the time, there’s no chance for a do over. I’ve had the opportunity to work with a lot of talented people, some famous, most not. But at the end of the day, it’s seeing the client happy that gives me the warm and fuzzies. Call me and let’s see what I can do for you.
If you’d like to see some of the shows and clients I’ve worked with, click on the credits page. Sorry, it’s just a list of stuff I’ve done, not credits toward some cool new Xbox game. |